Customs disputes may arise as the result of the movement of goods, services, or vehicles to/from the customs territory of the country during the customs clearance, control and payment of the compulsory payments. Thanks to the practice in the field of customs law, our specialists have efficient potential and practical knowledge to protect fully the interests of the clients (the participants of foreign economic activity) working with the customs authority at any level.
Our lawyers are ready to provide help in the examination of all the external economic documents, appeal of decisions, acts or omissions of a customs official representative in the administrative or judicial procedure. Moreover, our services include appeal against illegal acts and charges, assistance in the return of the wrongly calculated payments, and development of the client’s behavior strategy during the disputes in order to maximize the impact.
We are also ready to offer our services in preparation of the contract, bargain and sale agreement, deed of a gift, commission and other foreign-economic transactions. Our services include consulting on the features of the Ukrainian legislation, reduction and optimization of customs payment. We provide support in the process of the execution procedures, conducting criminal cases, which were related to the customs offenses at all stages of investigation (preliminary, inquiry, with the usage of a preventive measure, search or detention). Working in this field, our lawyers develop effective remedies and client behavior strategies.