Each client who turns to us receives a full legal support in every branch of law. We are a reliable assistant for both the legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. Our work is guided by the principles of the competence, decency, and confidentiality. Offering our services, we achieve complete closure of the cases or minimization of the time and financial expenditures.
Ianushevych Ia.V. Institutional mechanism for ensuring the sphere of taxation in Ukraine. – Qualifying scientific work on the rights of the manuscript. The dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the doctor of legal sciences on a specialty 12.00.07…
21/02 |
Semenkа E.N. The contract of rent a building or other capital construction under the civil legislation of Ukraine. – Manuscript. The thesis for obtaining of the degree of Candidate of Legal Sciences, specialty 12.00.03 – Civil Law and Civil Procedure;…
19/02 |
Tsuvina T.A. Principle of Rule of Law in Civil Procedure: Theoretical and Practical Study. – Qualification scientific work. Manuscript copyright. The dissertation for obtaining Doctor of Juridical Sciences degree, specialty 12.00.03 “Civil Law and Civil Procedure; Family Law; International Private…
09/02 |
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